Assign the Right Lead to the
Right Sales Rep. Automatically.

Schedule IQ uses a combination of website form answers, IP, CRM fields, and account
ownership to route leads to the perfect rep everytime.

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Tear Down Those Old Boring Lead Routing Spreadsheets

Using Schedule IQ means you’ll never worry about time wasted on manual routing or assigning
the wrong lead to the wrong rep.

Form-Based Routing

Schedule IQ assigns leads based on website form answers like
company size, product line, team size, and more.

Form-Based Routing

Location-Based Routing

Schedule IQ knows the prospect’s IP address and routes
based on location.

Owner-Based Routing

CRM Field-Based Routing

Schedule IQ integrates with your CRM, detects your contact/
account fields and assigns leads to reps based on field values.

CRM-Based Routing

Owner-Based Routing

Schedule IQ looks up ownership in CRM at lead, contact and
account-level and directs the lead to the owner automatically.

IP-Based Routing

IP-Based RoutingCRM-Based RoutingForm-Based RoutingOwner-Based Routing
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Hand Reps The Perfect Volume of Leads Based On 
Team Structure, Experience and Fairness

Strict Distribution

Schedule IQ gives every rep the
same number of leads - and takes
no-shows and cancellations into

Availability-Based Distribution

Flexible Distribution

Schedule IQ maximizes meetings booked by showing the open slots from all reps in the team.

Availability-Based Distribution

Weight-Based Distribution

Schedule IQ takes rep seniority and
skill into account, assigning more
(or less) leads to reps based on
custom weightage.

Availability-Based Distribution


Customizable For All Your Routing Requirements

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Assign meetings based on
lead location

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Assign meetings based on the lead’s
company size

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Assign meetings based on standard
and custom properties in CRM

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Assign meetings based on existing
relationships with the lead/ account

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Assign meetings based on which
product the lead signed up for

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Assign meetings based on time
slot availability

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Assign meetings based on
fairness and give reps an equal
shot at quota

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Assign meetings based on seniority-
give your best reps the most leads

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Assign meetings based on the tools/
solutions the lead already uses

Say Goodbye to Spreadsheet Headaches.
Say Hello to Automated, Customizable Routing With Schedule IQ.